So what if you're ugly?

Ever since the world started, looks have always been so important for people, why? Because if you're good looking, people can suddenly leave you their one million dollars because they trust you because you look like you can be trusted but if you're ugly, you're going to steal their money. It also applies to your race, if you're white or if your skin is white, you can save the whole entire world with your leadership skills; but if you're black or your skin is dark, you're suddenly someone who's going to rob a bank. But remember, there is no such thing as black and white!

Nothing is as easy as black and white anymore, those days are long gone! Everything is colored now. Some may see it as Cyan, Turquoise, Honeydew, Lemon, Lavender, or Magenta and some may see it as Blue, Yellow, Violet and Pink. We all have different opinions but one opinion you don't listen to is that you don't matter if you're ugly.

So what if you're ugly? You may have already heard this but what matters is your inner beauty (lol, it's true tho). Even if you're extremely talented and pretty but you don't have that what matters more, your attitude towards others, people will keep turning their back on you and they will hate you for what you do. I know someone very well who happens to be really beautiful and talented in a certain talent (not going to mention since I don't want to rat him/her out), everyone I know always has something bad to say about him/her and it sucks to hear it because I used to want to be his/her friend but then I found out how he/she treats his/her friends and other people.

Just keep this in your head: LOOKS DO NOT MATTER! Okay?


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